Losing it all the hard way

An occasional update of the highs and lows of weight odyssey.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Time to Think

Ever since my return from Israel. My body has had a bit of a time readjusting. I'm still losing weight but I've hit a plateau. Everything is still on track but I managed to hurt my ankle when I returned so walking has been a bit difficult. So now, I'm losing one pound a week instead of two. I will soon be up and around so it will all be good.

We are now at a zero hour of sorts as the end of October is now becoming more of a reality. It will be a year at the end of the next month. Life sure moves fast.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A new frontier

Up to now, I have been on a 45 to 50 minute walk. Today, I pushed it past an hour. My body has reached a saturation point with the shorter walks. I'm about to go through another generation of clothes. Today, I ate something not exactly good for me and I paid. I have created a gentle balance of eating that includes all the major food groups, go figure, ate a breakfast taco from Taco Cabana and messed up for the day. Trust me, my body let me know not to do that again. I am glad my body can do that now and tomorrow I'll atone.

With this new frontier comes new challenges. "God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and discipline." II Timothy 1:7. I am about to hit the century mark in my weight loss. I already feel that my metabolism has changed and is changing. I cannot fear the future. I must press on with this discipline. I am not where I want to be which makes try even harder.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Walking, walking, walking...

I can't explain the reason but the walking part is getting easier. I am hooked on the exercise and feel at a loss if I miss a turn or two. A new habit has been formed and my body has gotten in step. I'm still eating only what my body requires. And, with the exception of an occasional walk on the wild side, I have most certainly accomodated a new eating regimen. Fried foods are off the list. Sodas, for the most part, have disappeared. Sweets are limited to very small amounts and are very rare. I feel better.

I will repeat something I said at the begininng. This process is not easy and don't believe anyone who says it is. The work is paying off. I look forward to further dividends from the investment. I go weigh on Thursday. I am a little nervous but I think everything will be okay. I'll let you know how everything worked out.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The journey thus far...

Today, I began my walking routine again. A full 50 minutes, I was surprised. Even though I had gone more than a week, my body remembered all of its paces. Clothes that once fit snug have given way to a new fitting. My focus has come back. Even though I've had a modicum of success with this journey there is still far to go. By my best recollection, I am but halfway there. My pursuit of health and longevity still goads me to eat well, exercise much, and live life to its fullest.

One thing, I have become less afraid of the mirror. It was once the bane of my existence because it constantly reminded me of the stagnation that my life, in this one area, had become. I don't preen, by any length of the imagination, but at least I can look in it to comb my hair without looking down in self-imposed shame. More and more I am glad for this journey. The fact that my health has kept up is a testament to the God given resiliency that the body is afforded.

October 22nd looms large on my calendar. The date will be the first anniversary of my mother's passing. The week after was the starting point of my journey.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A week goes by

This week I learned that I had a lost of three pounds to add to my goal. Not too bad considering the change in schedule that happened with my recent trip to Israel. I had actually been thinking that all is not well because I was out of my routine. Three pounds isn't bad, hey, at least its a loss and not a gain. I still continue on my journey to maintenance. Clothes are fitting looser. I am beginning to feel the effects of the overall progress. Got allergies but its not knocking me down. I did finally get caught up with the sleep that I transitioned out of for the trip. All in all, I am about to reach a goal that I have been striving for -- an even hundred. I had to slack up on my walking routine because I did overdo it on the trip. All will begin again on Monday. Continue with me on the journey. I have decided to push forward the picture date. When you see a new picture posted, it is because I have lost the 100. I hope it happens before October 30.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My mid-term grade

I have safely returned from the other side of the world and am no worse for the wear. The whole trip was a test for endurance for me as each day I was confronted with the specter of having to walk continuously to get from point A to point B. I had worked up to three miles a day before I left but I far exceeded that on more than one occasion. More than the exercise adjustment was the adjustment to my eating. Everything is healthier there in Israel and quite fresh I might add. There are many memories that I will cherish -- sunrise over the Sea of Galilee, a dramatic overview of the Valley of Megiddo, and visiting an empty tomb. All of these sights and then some, distracted me from the fact that I worked harder in those seven days than I believe I have worked in my whole life. I don't intend to stop anytime soon.

The results of my test are as follows. On the flight to Israel, I noted that I fit in my seat and couldn't buckle the seat belt. On the way home, I could both fit in my seat and buckle my seat belt. A small moral victory in a string of moral victories I intend to undertake. As you can tell by the time, my body is still readjusting to the time change but I will continue this journey. Tomorrow, I go weigh. Could be scary? I don't know. I'll let you know tomorrow.

Remember October 30 is just around the corner.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My own personal midterm...

From as best as I can figure, I am almost halfway to where I want to be. Therefore, tomorrow I take my mid-term. I am going to be sequestered in a plane for a long time. If I can do it without making too much of a spectacle, it will be a good thing. I actually have been looking forward to the trip for a while. My wife and few other people may not be too happy (and you know who you are) but who knows they may be able to make the trip soon. Besides, I'll bring them back something, honest. And yes, pictures are a must.

I will be out of pocket until September 11. If I am sufficiently awake, I will be reporting to you by that evening. If not, then September 12. I will give you the scoring for my almost mid-term. I can hardly wait.

Remember, October 30 is just around the corner.