Losing it all the hard way

An occasional update of the highs and lows of weight odyssey.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Twas the day after Christmas

Learned something new about myself. It wasn't the food at Christmas that got to me. It was the sneaking. I don't know who I was sneaking from -- myself, others, or God. As Job made a covenant with his eyes, I made one with my mouth. I will not lie. I did indulge, just not the extent as I have in times past. I kept my indulging very small -- a Hershey's mini, a total count of six cookies for the week, two one inch cubes of something too sweet to be considered food, and about an eighth of a cup of sweet yams, that is my confession. Moreover, I stuck with whole grain breads, egg whites, turkey based meats, my own trail mix -- walnuts, sliced almonds, sunflower seads, white raisins, and dried cranberries -- and yes, lots of water.

A new year begins at the end of this week. I can hardly wait to see what it has in store. I've got a health club membership for Christmas and can't wait to get that started. I'll still keep checking in every Saturday.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas

Am out of town for Christmas this week. No worries. Still need to exercise. I found an indoor track to accomodate at least my walking until I get back home. Yes, ladies and gentlemen a Wal-Mart that is super serves the purpose well. I was able to get my minutes in today without too much hassle. Also, the Christmas crowd served as an intricate obstacle course to add an element of interest to the day. I will probably be making as many trips around the place as I can until I go home.

The lesson is that there is always a way around anything if it means getting some exercise. Also, the week being Christmas, I must not turn back on the discipline that got me here. It's not hard really. Just a little more work.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Today is Saturday....

This week a rather odd thing happened. I have left my plateau and am beginning another downward slope. My wedding ring keeps falling off and I need to resize it. Unfortunately, for the time being, I have to go without it.

According to the ring, I now weigh less than when I got married. This thought caused me to reflect on my nearly eighteen years of marriage. All that I have introduced in this blog is indicative of about a years time. Since getting married, I have gained and lost much. Even now, I feel very conscious of the time in my married life when I haven't exactly taken very good care of myself. It is now more than ever that I am grateful for the fact that I have an extremely understanding wife. It was God that brought us together and love that sustained us until today and all our tomorrows. My new goal is to be a more healthy husband for her. My hope is that the next eighteen will be exponentially better.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A new page is turned...

Today, I walked into to 24 hour fitness and began my preview week. I knew that I would have to move to the next stage of the journey. It's been a long one so far but today I continue.

I'm still doing alright with the food. I have restricted myself to 2200 calories and can hardly wait to see where the next turn in the journey goes. The best part of the whole thing is that I've finally overcome the eating part. It is with great joy that I announce that I now have gotten moderation down to a habit. I know that I've said that I've worked it before but some of the bad stuff now has a place in my eating habit. I'm still on my goal to be a waist size less than 50 by Christmas. I am at 52. More next week.