Losing it all the hard way

An occasional update of the highs and lows of weight odyssey.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sorry about yesterday...

Life has a way of throwing things in your path to trip you up. At this moment, I am going through a season of my life that is quite taxing. In times past, I would turn to food for strength and encouragement which is sad when you realize that that is why God put people in our lives. I will not lie. It would be easy to sink into a gastronomical abyss but I can not. I've come to far to fall back. Food is simply fuel. No more and no less. It is not a crutch. It is not a support. It is good tasting energy.

The problem with going through the tough times without a plan is that there is no way to return to a baseline. I will not eat outside of the controls that I am already practicing. The clothes are still fitting looser. I have a goal. Through God's help, I will reach that goal.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Some startling new revelations

Okay, the 24 hour Fitness thing has been a constant since the 1st of January. I have noticed that my clothes are fitting looser. I am losing weight slower but I'm losing inches faster. A great dichotomy, I understand. I won't ever completely get it but I will accept as fact. My food choices have completely changed and I am actually feeling better than I ever have. I am looking forward to all that I'll be able to accomplish in the coming months.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 begins

A new year, a new way of doing things. Began tbe next level of the journey this week with a membership at 24 fitness. I decided to tweak my workout a bit so I cut my walk to three miles only to include a two mile bike ride. I also began a low impact circuit (machine weights) as well as including some more stomach crunches. I gained some weight over the Christmas break but the strides I'm making have already rendered weight loss.

I am slowly converting the rest of my eating habits to include a more poultry based diet - chicken sausage, turkey meatloaf, etc. More fresh fruits and vegetables and weaning away from canned or frozen. Yes, I know what bind that puts me in with my busy day but I have determined that abundant life is better than just surviving. I do have occasion to eat fast food but limit that to once or twice a week rather than everyday. Also, I now have declared a personal moratorium on drinking flavored teas. One step at a time. More peaks than valleys.

I lost a total of five pant sizes and four shirt sizes in the last year and determine to keep on track for the new year. I see nothing but sky and won't look back. Health is more important than comfort. Life is more important than stasis. Until next week...Also, I will post pictures again in a months. Stay tuned.