Losing it all the hard way

An occasional update of the highs and lows of weight odyssey.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

And it all begins again.....

Dear blog,

Several changes are continuing to be made while in progress. One, who knew almond milk wasn't all that bad. I am in the process of converting to ovo-lacto  vegetarian diet. The almond milk helps cut down my milk consumption but I can't seem to break my cheese habit, hence, the ovo-lacto part of the diet. I am cutting back my total meat consumption, boosting my whole grains, and still eating eggs and cheese as a primary protein. Also, I have boosted my water consumption a bit as well.

The results are easy to deduce. I have gone from exhausted to tired, which is a good thing. I am starting to notice the hint of my clothes fitting better. It is getting easier to sleep at night. And, I am discovering that I don't always have to eat meat. Eating quick, which is always a problem, is getting easier to work as I have introduced the occasional protein shake when necessary to fill gaps.

The only thing I've got to get back to is working out. I hope to restart that by this weekend. Based on past experience, it will take about three weeks or so but I will go from tired to less tired in short order. Ultimately, I am shooting to feel better.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dear blog

Dear blog,

I have not written you in a while. I must confess I should report to you more. I have rebooted the weight loss process but I have to be more aware than I was before because of the gains that I have made.

The reasons for me losing weight are too numerous to recount but some bear repeating. First, I have forgotten the lessons of mom's death. The diabetes that took her --slowly. The fact that though she knew she had it and constantly fought the ways to make her better or at least more comfortable as time progressed. I have to remind myself of the pain that the effects of the disease caused her. Though it could not be stopped, there were ways to make her going less tortuous. I am in a position to make things right. I still have time. I need to do it.

(God, you slowly reveal your calling in my life and I purpose to continue that calling until You see fit that I should complete it. I know I have my own stewardship of this time and this temple. Lord, give me strength to give up what I should and not give in to temptation. I have seen the horrible after effects of living this way. I know the fall has taken its toll on us as humanity but, Lord, keep me from stewarding my own temple in such a way as to dishonor you. Amen)

A second fact is the compounding effect on my other weaknesses. I have a heart problem, electrical and dangerous, that is further exacerbated by not taking care of myself. Every other stress I put on this problem makes daily living a chore. It is workable now but I have made comparison between having lost weight and gained some of it back. I used to feel better. I used to have more energy. I want it back.

A final fact, for know, is that I do have something for which to live. I love my wife and my hope is that I spend as much of this temporal life with her as God allows. She has stood with me through it all. I love her and, although this may seem selfish, I want to spend as much quality time as I can with her. I have my students. I have learned from them as much as I have taught. I like this exchange. I want to continue. I have the ministry that God has given me. Whatever that is, it is a privilege to live in doing a Sovereign God's will.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Beginning again...

I started to feel that which I already knew. My clothes were fitting tight again. The last five months have been harrowing to say the least. Beginning the steep climb of a dissertation, trying to finish all the seminar work - barrier tests and comps, helping my wife through her father's health, teaching at two institutions, and working on the weekend at a church, all left me with little time to do much else. I had to determine which would be left behind to focus on the others and I left behind my health. I stopped watching what I was eating. I stopped working out. Then, I started gaining back.

All the ground that I had given up. I have reclaimed. I am not back where I started from but I can feel myself edging back. I cannot. I will not. This journey has not been without its setbacks but none like this last one. I have to determine to dig deep and begin, maybe not again, but at least restart in earnest. This I will do today. The gym. The egg whites. The water. The victory. I will once again focus my resolve on being a healthy temple.

Pray for me, its going to be a journey.